Joint Statement in Support of Progress toward a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

***This statement has been updated with a deletion of three references to the April 2024 UN 78th Resumed Session, for which the statement was first drafted, to reflect the continued relevance of the message ahead of the UN General Assembly’s upcoming 79th Session.***

Joint Statement in Support of Progress toward a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

Signatory Organizations:

  1. 21 Century Forum
  2. Abogados Sin Fronteras Canadá
  3. The Acalypha Child Care Initiative (Nigeria)
  4. ACIEDD (Tchad)
  5. Action des Chretiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture au Burundi
  6. Action for Change
  7. Action Network for Gender Equity & Law
  8. ADIFEVEA World (DRC)
  9. Adovicuganda International
  10. Afghanistan Human Rights Advocates
  11. Africa Center for International Law and Accountability (Ghana)
  12. Africa Legal Aid
  13. African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies
  14. African Network Against Extrajudicial Killings and Enforced Disappearances
  15. African Platform for Human Rights and Governance
  16. AfricanDefenders
  17. Afrique Performance (Benin)
  18. Agewell Foundation (India)
  19. Al-Haq (Palestine)
  20. Al Mezan Center for Human Rights (Palestine)
  21. Alerte Congolaise pour l’environnement et les droits de l’homme
  22. All Survivors Project
  23. Alliance Internationale pour la Défense des droits et des libertés
  24. Alpha Support Development Programme (Kenya)
  25. ALTSEAN – Burma
  26. The America Team for Displaced Eritreans
  27. Amnesty International
  28. Anti-Domestic Violence Center (Uganda)
  29. Aotearoa Lawyers for Peace (New Zealand)
  30. ApiriHallowed Foundation (Benin)
  31. The Arrested Lawyers Initiative (Brussels)
  32. Ascend Youth Zambia
  33. ASD-INKINGI (Uganda)
  34. Ashtar Development Organization
  35. Asia Justice Coalition
  36. Asian American Center of Frederick
  37. Asian Muslim Action Network (Thailand)
  38. Asian Resource Foundation (Thailand)
  39. Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
  40. Associação Jurista ba Justisa (Timor-Leste)
  41. l’Association des victimes, parents et Amis du 28 septembre 2009 (Guinea)
  42. Association for the Welfare of Women and Indigenous People (Cameroon)
  43. Association of World Citizens (France)
  44. Association pour le Développement des Initiatives Paysannes (DRC)
  45. Associazione di solidarietà donne per le donne
  46. Athena Tech & Atrocities Advisory
  47. Australian Centre for International Justice
  48. Avaaz
  49. Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication
  50. Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (India)
  51. Basel Peace Office (Switzerland)
  52. Better Tomorrow for Child Empowerment Foundation (Nigeria)
  53. Biafra Government in Exile
  54. Blaž Golob GFS Institute (Slovenia)
  55. Burma Human Rights Network
  56. Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies
  57. Cameroon Women’s Peace Movement
  58. Canada’s Feminist Forum for Afghanistan
  59. Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture
  60. Celebrity Media Alliance, Inc.
  61. Center for Accountability and Rule of Law – Sierra Leone
  62. Center for Gender and Refugee Studies
  63. Center Against Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence in Conflict
  64. Center for Human Rights Advocacy
  65. Center for Human Rights in Iran
  66. The Center for International and Comparative Law at the University of Baltimore School of Law
  67. Center for Justice and Accountability
  68. Center for Peace Building and Democracy in Liberia
  69. Centre for Democracy and Human Rights
  70. Centre International de Droit Comparé de l’Environnement (France)
  71. Centre Libanais des Droits Humains
  72. Centre for Policy Alternatives (Sri Lanka)
  73. Centre de Recherche sur l’environnement, la démocratie et les droits de l’homme (DRC)
  74. Centre for Social and Behaviour Change Communication (India)
  75. Centre for Social Mobilization and Sustainable Development (Ghana)
  76. El Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (Argentina)
  77. Centro de Análisis Forense y Ciencias Aplicadas (Guatemala)
  78. Centre to Empower All Survivors of Exploitation and Trafficking
  79. Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional
  80. Centro Mexicano de Responsabilidad Global
  81. Centro de Promoción y Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos
  82. Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Género – Corporación Humanas (Chile)
  83. Child Rescue Foundation (Zambia)
  84. CIDA Organisation
  85. The Circle
  86. Citizens for Global Solutions
  87. Civil Centre for Peace, Justice and Development (Nigeria)
  88. Civil Education is the Solution for Poverty and Environmental Management (Tanzania)
  89. Civil Rights Defenders
  90. Civitas Maximas
  91. The Coalition Burundaise des Défenseurs des Droits de l’Homme
  92. Coalition contre l’impunite (Tchad)
  93. Coalition des Volontaires pour la Paix et le Développement (DRC)
  94. Coalition for the Prevention of Hazara Genocide (Afghanistan)
  95. La Coalition Ivoirienne pour la Cour Pénale International
  96. Coalition for the Prevention of Hazara Genocide
  97. Coalition for the Promotion of Women’s Rights (Nigeria)
  98. Coalition of Somali Human Rights Defenders
  99. Coalitions de l’Afrique Francophone pour la Cour Penale Internationale
  100. CobraCrusade Lira
  101. Comisión de Derechos Humanos
  102. Le Comité National pour la Prévention et la Répression du Génocide des crimes de guerres crimes contre l’humanité et de toute forme de Discrimination de la République Démocratique du Congo
  103. Committee For Justice (Egypt)
  104. The Common Good Foundation
  105. Community Empowerment for Progress Organization
  106. Community Peace Practitioners Association (Nigeria)
  107. Community Women Peace Mediators (Cameroon)
  108. Concern for Integrated Development (Ethiopia)
  109. Congress of Nations and States
  110. Corruption Brakes Crusade (Uganda)
  111. Crimes Against Humanity Initiative
  112. CSO Advocacy Platform of Liberia
  113. Darfur Bar Association
  114. Darfur Network for Human Rights
  115. Darfur Women’s Action Group
  116. Debotional and Dedicated Services Community Development Organization (Tanzania)
  117. Defend International
  118. DefendDefenders (Uganda)
  119. Defense Sans Frontière-Avocats Solidaires
  120. DePaul University College of Law – International Human Rights Law Institute
  121. DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture
  122. Disability Rights International
  123. Divine Foundation for Disabled Persons (Nigeria)
  124. Dr. Denis Mukwege Foundation (The Hague)
  125. The Duty Legacy
  126. Echoes of Women in Africa Initiative (Nigeria)
  127. Eden Centre (Zimbabwe)
  128. Education as a Vaccine (Nigeria)
  129. Educational and Health Organization for Afghanistan Women
  130. EnGendeRights (Philippines)
  131. Ensaaf
  132. Environnemental Frontline (DRC)
  133. Eritrea Focu
  134. Eritrean Afar National Congress
  135. European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights
  136. European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights
  137. European Federalist Movement
  138. The European Law Students’ Association
  139. Every Woman Treaty
  140. Fantanka (The Gambia)
  141. Farida e.V. (Farida Global Organization)
  142. Femena
  143. Finnish Afghans Center
  144. Fondation Agape pour l’Enfant Africain (Burundi)
  145. Fondation Bill Clinton pour la Paix (DRC)
  146. Food and Rural Development Foundation (Cameroon)
  147. Food4Humanity (Yemen)
  148. Fortify Rights
  149. Forum of Nigerian Women in Politics (Nigeria)
  150. Forum des organisations nationales humanitaires et de développement (DRC)
  151. Foundation Builders (Nigeria)
  152. Foundation for Human Rights and Democracy (Liberia)
  153. Foundation for Human Rights Initiative – Uganda
  154. FrameOut (Sri Lanka)
  155. Free Speech Association
  156. Free Yezidi Foundation
  157. Fundación Internacional Baltasar Garzón
  158. Fundación para el Debido Proceso
  159. The Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children
  160. Geitasamo Paralegal Organization
  161. Gender Action for Peace and Security
  162. Gender Centre for Empowering Development
  163. Generation for Rights Over the World
  164. Generation of Change (Pakistan)
  165. Genocide Alert (Germany)
  166. Genocide Watch
  167. Global Call to Action Against Poverty
  168. Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect
  169. Global Compliance Research Project
  170. Global Justice and Research Project (Liberia)
  171. Global Justice Center
  172. Global Missions International (Nigeria)
  173. Global Peace and Development Organization (Kenya)
  174. Global Rights Compliance
  175. Global Security Institute
  176. Global Survivor’s Fund (Switzerland)
  177. Grace Agenda (Kenya)
  178. Groupe d’associations de défense des droits de l’homme et de la Paix (DRC)
  179. Gulf Centre for Human Rights (Lebanon)
  180. HakiMadini
  181. Happy Phage (South Africa)
  182. Hazara Society Policy Center
  183. Hikima Community Mobilization and Development Initiative (Nigeria)
  184. Hitma Organization for Cultural and Social Development
  185. Hope Advocates Africa
  186. Horn Afrik News Agency for Human Rights
  187. Human Rescue DRC
  188. Human Rights and Development in Africa
  189. Human Rights Concern – Eritrea
  190. Human Rights Defenders Network – Sierra Leone
  191. Human Rights Sanrakshan Sansthaa
  192. Human Rights Watch
  193. ICR Justice Africa
  194. IDHEAS Litigio Estratégico en Derechos Humanos
  195. Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone
  196. Initiative for Gender Transformation, Education and Community Development (Nigeria
  197. Initiative for Good Governance and Transparency in Tanzania
  198. INMAA Organization for Development (Iraq)
  199. Institute for Global Peace and Sustainable Governance
  200. Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa
  201. Institute for Security Studies (South Africa)
  202. Integrity Initiatives International
  203. Interest of Justice
  204. Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
  205. International Action Network for Gender Equity & Law
  206. International Association of Genocide Scholars
  207. International Association of People’s Lawyers
  208. International Center for the Study, Prevention, and Treatment of MultiGenerational Legacies of Trauma
  209. International Civil Society Action Network
  210. International Commission of Jurists
  211. International Commission of Jurists, Kenya Section
  212. International Commission of Jurists, Norway
  213. International Community for Georgia Development and the Progress
  214. International Federation for Human Rights
  215. International Federation of Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
  216. International Helping for the Young (Chat)
  217. International Humanitarian Law and Youth Initiative
  218. The International Network on Disability, Peace and Security
  219. International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Nigeria)
  220. International Service for Human Rights
  221. International Society for Health and Human Rights
  222. International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement
  223. Investigator Organization for the Rule of Law (Iraq)
  224. Invisible Children
  225. Instituto de estudios comparados en ciencias penales de Guatemala
  226. Ishtar Development Organization (Syria)
  227. Islamic Women’s Association for Research and Empowerment (Sri Lanka)
  228. Italian Federation for Human Rights
  229. Iteka Initiative
  230. Jumuiya ya Maendeleo ya Elimu ya Wototo Pemba
  231. Just Planet
  232. Justice Access Point (Uganda)
  233. Justice House (MENA Region)
  234. Justicia Asbl (DRC)
  235. Keen and Care Initiative (Nigeria)
  236. Kenya Human Rights Commission
  237. Khmer National Liberation Front
  238. Kinnapa Development Programme (Tanzania)
  239. Kosova Rehabilitation Center for Torture Victims
  240. Laboratorio de Litigio Estructural
  241. Law Office of Lori J. Williams, LLC
  242. Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy
  243. Lawyers for Human Rights (South Africa)
  244. League for the Defence of Human Rights in Iran
  245. Legal Action Worldwide
  246. Legal Defence and Assistance Project (Nigeria)
  247. Legal Resources Centre (South Africa)
  248. Liberty Sparks
  249. Libyan Human Rights Clinic
  250. Ligue Burundaise des droits de l’homme Iteka (Rwanda)
  251. Ligue des Droits de la personne dans la région des Grands-Lacs (Burundi, Rwanda, and DRC)
  252. L’Organisation Guinéenne de Défense des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen
  253. Luz de Esperanza Desaparecidos Jalisco A. C. (Mexico)
  254. MADRE
  255. Mahabad Organisation for Human Rights
  256. Marci Roth World Institute on Disability
  257. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
  258. MAUJ Foundation (Syria)
  259. Mayors for Peace (Croatia)
  260. Minnesota Peace Project
  261. Missing Persons Families Group (Türkiye and Syria)
  262. Mizan Organization for Legal Studies on Human Rights
  263. Mobilized News
  264. Monitor de Derechos Humanos (Venezuela)
  265. Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights
  266. Mozambique Human Rights Defenders Network
  267. Musawa
  268. My World México
  269. National Forum for Human Rights (Yemen)
  270. National Lawyers Guild – San Francisco Bay Chapter
  271. National Lawyers Guild Task Force on the Americas
  272. Netwomening Association (Spain)
  273. New Humanity
  274. Never Again International – Canada
  275. Nigeria Human Rights Defenders Network
  276. Non-Governmental Coordinating Council (Zambia)
  277. Nord-Kivu Hjelpeforening
  278. Northern Justice Watch
  279. Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  280. La Nouvelle Société Civile Congolaise
  281. Omeria Community Development Organization
  282. ONG Amaranta (Chile)
  283. Operation Broken Silence
  284. Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement and Youth Development Cameroon
  285. Our Culture is Giving
  286. Outright International
  287. PA “Social Technologies Agency” (Kyrgyzstan)
  288. Pan African Lawyers Union
  289. Parliamentarians for Global Action
  290. Partners in Justice International
  291. Partnership for Justice (Nigeria)
  292. Peace and Humanitarian Association (Cameroon)
  293. Peace Track Initiative (Canada and Yemen)
  294. Pemba Child Rights Environment and Malaria Control Organization
  295. People for Successful Corean Unification (South Korea and US)
  296. Persons Against Non-State Torture
  297. Physicians for Human Rights
  298. Physicians for Social Responsibility Iowa
  299. Platform for Social Justice (Uganda)
  300. The Populace Foundation International (Uganda)
  301. Prime Peace Foundation (Ghana)
  302. Programa Venezolano de Educación Acción en Derechos Humanos (Venezuela)
  303. Progressive Democrats Association (Ghana)
  304. Progressive Voice (Myanmar)
  305. Protection Approaches
  306. Raising Up Friendship Foundation (Tanzania)
  307. Reach Out Cameroon
  308. Red Federal de Estudios sobre el Derecho Humano a la Paz (Argentina)
  309. Redress
  310. Regional Advocacy for Women’s Sustainable Advancement (MENA)
  311. The Regional Coalition for Women Human Rights Defenders in Southwest Asia and North Africa
  312. Renand Foundation (Haiti)
  313. Rencontre Africaine pour la Défense des Droits de l’Homme (Senegal)
  314. Researchers Without Borders (Uganda)
  315. Réseau des Défenseurs des Droits Humains en Afrique Centrale
  316. Reseau Equitas Cote d’Ivoire
  317. Réseau Equitas (DRC)
  318. Rights and Rice Foundation (Liberia)
  319. Rohingya Justice Initiative
  320. Room to Heal
  321. SACCORD (Zambia)
  322. Safe Island for Women and Children (Tanzania)
  323. Sam Organization for Rights and Development (Yemen)
  324. SAHRiNGON Tanzania Chapter
  325. Save life community initiative in Taraba SLICOM-I (Nigeria)
  326. Save the Children (USA, Afghanistan)
  327. Save the Mother and Children of Central Tanzania
  328. Sentinel Project (Canada)
  329. Servicio Paz y Justicia Paragua
  330. Seville University (Spain)
  331. Shevolution
  332. Sima Community Based Organization (Kenya)
  333. Society for Threatened Peoples (Germany)
  334. Solo Sandeng Foundation (The Gambia)
  335. Somali Human Rights Association
  336. SOS – TB 
  337. South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network
  338. South Sudan Youth Peace and Development Organization
  339. Southern African Litigation Centre
  340. Southern Anti-Racism Network
  341. Stop Crimes Against Humanity
  342. STRALI (Italy)
  343. Strategic Advocacy for Human Rights (Global)
  344. Strategic Litigation Project (US)
  345. Students for Global Democracy Uganda
  346. Synergie des femmes pour les victimes des violences sexuelles (DRC)
  347. Synergie Ukingo Wet (DRC)
  348. Syria Justice and Accountability Centre
  349. Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression
  350. The Syrian Legal Development Programme
  351. Tanzania Centre For Economic and Social Rights
  352. Tanzania Community Health Information and Support
  353. Tanzania GCAP Coalition
  354. Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition
  355. Taraba Advocacy and Rehabilitation Foundation (Nigeria)
  356. Teaching Artist Institute (Eastern and Western Africa)
  357. Tigrians Canadian Immigration Association
  358. Transitional Justice Working Group (South Korea)
  359. TRIAL International
  360. Tribune Azad Iran laïque
  361. Trios Human Development Foundation (Nigeria)
  362. Tunisian Human Rights League
  363. Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Developpement
  364. United Nations Association of Sweden
  365. Universal Foundation On Good Governance And Human Rights (Cameroon)
  366. University of Nottingham Law School
  367. Visionary Ethics Foundation (Costa Rica)
  368. Voix d’eve (Tunisia)
  369. The West African Transitional Justice Centre
  370. Udisha (India)
  371. Uganda Peace Foundation
  372. UN Association of South Sudan
  373. UN Youth South Sudan
  374. Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
  375. United States International Council on Disabilities
  376. United Justice
  377. United Nations Association – Chad
  378. University of Chicago Law School Global Human Rights Clinic
  379. University of San Francisco Immigration and Deportation Defense Clinic
  380. Upendo Care Organization (Kenya)
  381. Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights
  382. Vision Congo ONGD
  383. La Voix de l’enfant (Tchad)
  384. La Voix des Sans Voix pour les Droits de l’homme (DRC)
  385. Volunteer for Youth in Health and Development  
  386. War Crimes Research Office, American University
  387. Washington Center for Justice
  388. Wayamo Foundation (Germany)
  389. We are NOT Weapons of War
  390. Weichel & Associates
  391. West African Human Rights Defenders Network
  392. The West African Transitional Justice Center (Nigeria)
  393. Winam Chanua Dada CBO (CHADALA) (Kenya)
  394. Women Advocates Research and Documentation Center (Nigeria)
  395. Women & Children in Support of Community Development Initiate (Nigeria)
  396. Women Counselling Initiative (Nigeria)
  397. Women for Afghan Women
  398. Women for Human Rights (Nepal)
  399. Women Human Rights Defenders International Coalition
  400. Women for Permanent Peace and Justice
  401. Women’s Action Network Sri Lanka
  402. Women’s Association for Women and Victims’ Empowerment (The Gambia)
  403. Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (Philippines)
  404. Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice
  405. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, U.K. Section
  406. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, U.S. Section
  407. Women’s League of Burma
  408. Women’s Link Worldwide
  409. Women’s Organization for Transitional Justice (Türkiye)
  410. Women’s Peace Network
  411. Women’s Regional Network (Pakistan, India, Afghanistan)
  412. World Federalist Movement – Canada
  413. World Federalist Movement – Institute for Global Policy (Czech Republic)
  414. World Future Council – Institute for Global Policy (International)
  415. World Hazara Council USA
  416. World Institute on Disability
  417. World Organisation against Torture
  418. World Peace Alliance
  419. World Service Authority
  420. World United
  421. World Without Genocide
  422. Yazda
  423. Yelef Initiative (The Gambia)
  424. Yemen Red Crescent
  425. Zoulgouta Foundation (Cameroon)


  1. Asli Abbasi, Ph.D., Human Rights Researcher and Activist, Iran
  2. Hirad Abtahi, Chef de Cabinet of the Presidency to the International Criminal Court
  3. Grace Acan, SEMA/Women’s Advocacy Network
  4. Professor William Aceves, California Western School of Law
  5. Hashem Ahmadian
  6. Zubaida Akbar, Woman Human Rights Defender
  7. Professor Susan M. Akram, Boston University International Human Rights Clinic
  8. Dr. Widad Akreyi, International Atrocity Expert and Human Rights Leader
  9. Mohamed Al Shami, President, Alliance Internationale pour la Défense des droits et des libertés
  10. Maya Alrahabi, Executive Director, Musawa
  11. Riad Alakar
  12. Alfadil Alnor, Human Rights Activist
  13. Professor Dr. Kai Ambos, Georg August Universität Göttingen
  14. Alejandra Bernardo Andrés, Senior Gender Advisor, Morocco
  15. Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin KC (Hons), The Queen’s University of Belfast/Minnesota Law School
  16. Peter Archer, Ireland
  17. Rayhan Asat, Human Rights Lawyer
  18. Sareta Ash, Senior Gender Expert
  19. Professor Sahar Aziz, Rutgers University Law School
  20. Abdul Azizi
  21. Professor Tae-Ung Baik, University of Hawaii at Manoa
  22. Anastasia Banda, Women’s Rights Activist, Zambia
  23. Professor John Q. Barrett, St. John’s University
  24. Melanie Bennett, Film Producer and Activist
  25. Professor Karima Bennoune, University of Michigan Law School
  26. John Berger, Senior Fellow, Center on National Security, Fordham University
  27. Professor Mark S. Berlin, Marquette University
  28. Jutta F. Bertram-Nothnagel, Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, Vice President
  29. Zurab Bezhanishvili, President, International Community for Georgia Development and the Progress
  30. Judge Gilbert Bitti, Kosovo Specialist Chambers
  31. Professor Marco Bocchese, Webster Vienna Private University
  32. Professor Michael Bohlander, Durham University
  33. Elizabeth Pérez Botí
  34. Jules Braet, Belgium
  35. Professor Mike Brand, Atrocities Prevention Advocate
  36. Elizabeth Broadbent, Member of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
  37. Reed Brody, Former Director of UN Missions – El Salvador and DRC
  38. Lord Dustin Bryce, International Legal Scholar and Human Rights Defender
  39. Todd Buchwald, Member, United Nations Committee Against Torture
  40. Professor Antonio Bultrini, University of Florence
  41. Andreas Bummel, Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders
  42. Professor David Donat Cattin, New York University
  43. Professor Andrea Caligiuri, University of Macerata
  44. Professor Nelson Camilo Sanchez, University of Virginia School of Law
  45. Quianna Canada, Human Rights Defender
  46. Dr. Mónica Castillejos-Aragón, UC Berkeley Law
  47. Eleni Chaitidou, Senior Legal Officer, Kosovo Specialist Chambers
  48. Professor Rita Chemaly, Political Sciences, Lebanon
  49. Dr. Lecturer Giovanni Chiarini, University of Huddersfield
  50. In-Jin Chung, Barun Law
  51. Professor Roger S. Clark, Rutgers Law School
  52. Charles Clements, Former President of Physicians for Human Rights
  53. Matteo Colorio, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
  54. Ambassador Hans Corell
  55. Philippe Currat, Lawyer
  56. Mazen Darwish, Syrian lawyer and Human Rights Defender
  57. Lady Xylie Desiree, International Legal Scholar and Human Rights Defender
  58. Jens Dieckmann, International Lawyer
  59. Dr. Viviane Dittrich, Deputy Director, International Nuremberg Principles Academy
  60. Carlos Villán Durán, Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
  61. Professor Terje Einarsen, University of Bergen
  62. Enie Valery Elive, Greening Forward
  63. Dr. Ingrid Elliot, Bahamas
  64. Dr. Mark Ellis, International Bar Association, Executive Director
  65. Jenny Engledow, Member of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom
  66. Professor José Elías Esteve, University of Valencia
  67. Professor Hon. Gareth Evans, Australian National University
  68. Edward Lyonga Ewule, International Legal Scholar and Human Rights Defender
  69. Professor Aaron Fellmeth, ABILA International Human Rights Committee, Co-Chair
  70. Daoud Daoud, CEO, SALAM
  71. Professor Stephanie Farrior
  72. Dr. Carlos René Fernández Pérez, Guatemala
  73. Roisin Flynn
  74. Bhavani Fonseka, Centre for Policy Alternatives
  75. Quazi Omar Foysal, American International University, Bangladesh
  76. Ingrid Burke Friedman, JURIST Legal News
  77. Anne Gamurorwa, Communication for Development Foundation Uganda
  78. Professor Sévane Garibian, Université de Genève
  79. Professor Hannah R. Garry, UCLA Law Promise Institute for Human Rights
  80. Paul Garthe, Portugal
  81. Dr. Patsy George, Activist
  82. Joseph Gimba Ph. D, Center for Peace Education and Community Development, Nigeria
  83. Justice Richard Goldstone
  84. Professor Gregory S. Gordon, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  85. Michael S. Greco, Former President of American Bar Association
  86. Dr. Rosemary Grey, University of Sydney
  87. Dr. Leena Grover, Tilburg University
  88. Elida Guerra, Human Rights Lawyer
  89. Professor Jonathan Hafetz, Seton Hall Law School
  90. Khaliqyar Haidary, Human Rights Defender
  91. Christopher “Kip” Hale, Atrocity Crimes Advisory Group for Ukraine, Georgetown Law’s International Criminal Justice Initiative
  92. Nicholas Haley
  93. Professor Lindsay M. Harris
  94. Professor Steven Heydemann, Smith College
  95. Professor Yasushi Higashizawa, Meijigakuin University
  96. Christina Hioureas, Partner, Foley Hoag LLP
  97. Esther Hoole, Activist, Sri Lanka
  98. Abigail Edem Hunu, Ghana
  99. Deena R. Hurwitz, Senior Fellow, Northeastern University School of Law
  100. Shirin Ibadi, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
  101. Professor Feisal Amin al-Istrabadi, Indiana University
  102. Dr. Jens Iverson, Leiden University
  103. Junemarie Justus, Founder and CEO, Acorn Project
  104. Martina M. Kabisama
  105. Naga Kandiah, Public Law and Human Rights Solicitor
  106. Professor Paul Kang, Korea University School of Law
  107. Sayedul Karim, Founder and President, Rohingya Justice Initiative
  108. Sarah Kihika Kasande, Human Rights Lawyer, Uganda
  109. Valentin Plichon Kauffmann, Politician
  110. Professor Patrick J. Keenan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  111. Professor Michael J. Kelly, Creighton University
  112. Professor Gerhard Kemp, UWE Bristol Law School
  113. Dr. Professor Mark Kersten, University of the Fraser Valley
  114. Professor Jocelyn Getgen Kestenbaum, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
  115. John Eugen Kinabo, Tanzania
  116. Dr. Professor Mark Klamberg, Stockholm University
  117. Dunia Koomson, Zimbabwe
  118. Victor Dorawa Koreyo, Executive Director of Abraham’s Children Foundation, Nigeria
  119. Dr. Professor Claus Kreß, University of Cologne
  120. Judge O-Gon Kwon, former Judge of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
  121. Tarek Lamloum, Migrant and Asylum Seeker Case Researcher
  122. Maryam Adamu Lanko, Narrow the Gap Child Advocacy Initiative, and SELL Foundation Nigeria
  123. Professor Stephen Legomsky, Washington University School of Law
  124. Taceo Lenfant
  125. Professor David Luban, Georgetown University Law Center
  126. Erin Lyons, Chief of Content, Peacekeeping NGO
  127. Professor Kathleen M. Maloney, Lewis & Clark Law School
  128. Professor Tomás K. Manguel, Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad de Palermo
  129. Professor Stewart Manley, Malaysia
  130. Professor Maria Chiara Marullo, Universitat Jaume
  131. Tarcisco Dal Maso
  132. Dr. Anja Matwijkiw, Indiana University Northwest
  133. Martin Mavenjina
  134. Metra Mehran
  135. Professor Juan Mendez, American University
  136. Dr. Abdul Aziz Meslat
  137. Professor Bonita Meyersfeld, Wits School of Law
  138. Professor Saira Mohamed, UC Berkeley School of Law
  139. Sadiq Mohammed
  140. HE Dr. Sanji Monageng, Former Judge of the International Criminal Court
  141. Lucilene Morandi, Gender and Economy Research Center, Brazil
  142. Muhammad Sharif Muhammad, Founder and President, Hitma Development Organization
  143. Professor Karen Musalo, UC Law, San Francisco
  144. Dr. Lahbib Naaimi, Law for Palestine (Morocco)
  145. Dr. Eva-Maria Nag, Global Policy Journal
  146. Yalda Naiemy, Save the Children International, Afghanistan
  147. Professor (ret.) Abdul Hameed Nayyar, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad
  148. Joshua Ndahiro
  149. Patricia Ndhlovu, Zambia
  150. Stella Ndirangu, International Criminal Law Expert
  151. Nancy J. Newman, International Action for Gender Equity & Law, Founder
  152. Ms. Khin Ohmar, Burmese Activist and Human Rights Practitioner
  153. Tschika McBean Okosi, US & Guyana
  154. Mr. Lawrence Osong, Nigeria
  155. Professor Oyeronke Olademo, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
  156. Professor Valerie Oosterveld, University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law
  157. Professor David I. Orenstein, City University of New York
  158. Linda Osman, Syrian Legalist and Human Rights Activist
  159. Professor Dr. Milton Owuor, Director & Chair, Center for International Criminal Justice Africa
  160. Professor Anjli Parrin, University of Chicago Law School, Global Human Rights Clinic
  161. Laura Fuentes Pavez, Human Rights Lawyer
  162. Nizam Peerwani, M.D., Forensic Pathologist and Human Rights Activist, Physicians for Human Rights
  163. Carmelo Faleh Pérez, Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
  164. C.J. Polychroniou, Journalist and former Academic
  165. Kamala Poudel, Program Officer, KOSHISH Nepal
  166. Dr. Joseph Powderly, Leiden University
  167. ChanPhosda Prak, Gender and Development for Cambodia
  168. Tania Principe, Nobel Women’s Initiative
  169. Ehsan Qaane, Co-Founder, Afghanistan Transitional Justice Coordination Group
  170. Teresa Quadt, Germany
  171. James Selasi Quarshie, Amnesty International – Ghana Section
  172. Klaus U. Rackwitz, International Law Expert
  173. Akila Radhakrishnan, Strategic Legal Adviser, Gender Justice, Atlantic Council and President, Global Justice Center (2018–2023)
  174. Dr. Claire Raissian, University College Cork
  175. Stephen Rapp, Former US Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice (2009–2015)
  176. Professor Darryl Robinson, Queen’s University Faculty of Law
  177. Rev. Dr. Lisa D. Robinson
  178. Professor Naomi Roht-Arriaza, University of California Law, San Francisco
  179. Professor Gabor Rona, Cardozo Law School
  180. Erin Farrell Rosenberg, University of Cincinnati College of Law
  181. Indira Rosenthal, Gender expert
  182. Carlotta Rossato, University of Padua, Human Rights Centre
  183. Professor Brad Roth, Wayne State University
  184. Kenneth Roth, Former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
  185. Carole Roushdy, Egypt
  186. Professor Susana SáCouto, American University Washington College of Law
  187. Professor Leila Nadya Sadat, Washington University School of Law
  188. Dr. Human Saeed, University of Leuven
  189. Professor Phillipe Sands, University College London
  190. Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu, Executive Director, Center for Policy Alternatives (Sri Lanka)
  191. Christine Savino, Taiwan
  192. Professor William Schabas, Middlesex University
  193. David J. Scheffer, former U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues (1997–2001)
  194. Judge (ret). Wolfgang Schomburg, Former Judge of ICTY and ICTR
  195. Fred Sekindi
  196. Professor Patricia Viseur Sellers, University of OxfordDr. Livingstone Sewanya, Foundation for Human Rights Initiative
  197. Joseph Severe, UNASCAD – Haiti
  198. Professor Rajika L. Shah, LMU Loyola Law School, Justice for Atrocities Clinic
  199. Tarazi Mohammed Sheikh, Brac University
  200. Andre Sheldon, Director, Global Strategy of Nonviolence
  201. Anabella Sibrián, Human Rights Defender
  202. Shenali De Silva, Human Rights Lawyer
  203. Professor David Sloss, Santa Clara University School of Law
  204. Dr. Sheetal Soni, University of Kwazulu – Natal South Africa
  205. Professor Milena Sterio, Cleveland State University College of Law
  206. Léa-Rose Stoian, Legal Advisor in Criminal Justice and Criminology
  207. Professor Lori Sudderth, Quinnipiac University
  208. Jeanne Sulzer, Impact Litigation
  209. Dr. Sheena Swemmer, University of Witwatersrand
  210. Sal Taal, Former President, Gambian Bar Association
  211. Ellen Thomas, Proposition One Campaign for a Nuclear-Free Future, Director
  212. Tony Tracy, Ireland
  213. Professor Jennifer Trahan, New York University
  214. Dr. Victor Tsilonis, Chairman, Intellectum Scientific Society
  215. Professor Viacheslav Tuliakov, National University Odessa Law Academy (Ukraine)
  216. Dr. Anne-Marie Tupuola-Plunkett, Independent Scholar and International Consultant
  217. Dr. Estrella del Valle Calzada, University of Valencia
  218. Professor Catherine Van De Heyning, University of Antwerp
  219. Judge Christine Van De Wyngaert, Kosovo Specialist Chambers
  220. Professor Elisabeth Ward, DePaul University College of Law
  221. Adarsh K. Warman, Global Peace Ambassador, Humanitarian
  222. Mohamed Abdikarem Warsame, Director, Ismail Mire Foundation (Somalia)
  223. Peter Weiss
  224. Professor Liz Wickeri, Fordham University Law School
  225. Jody Williams, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate
  226. Gregory Wright, Principal, Wright Thinking
  227. Hashim Yussif, Progressive Democrats Association, Ghana
  228. Assistant Professor Dr. Mohamed Ahmed Zakaria
  229. Professor Francisco Javier Zamora Cabot, Universitat Jaume
  230. Parisa Zangeneh, Ph.D. Student, National University of Ireland
  231. Ali Zeer, Syrian Lawyer and Human Rights Defender

    Updated to reflect additional signatures on 10/08/2024.