UPDATE: On November 22, 2024, the United Nations Sixth Committee adopted by consensus a resolution to advance the draft treaty on crimes against humanity to negotiations. The resolution calls for a concrete and time-bound process consisting of preparatory sessions in 2026 and 2027, and three-week negotiations in 2028 and 2029, where a treaty will be finalized. On December 4, 2024, the UN General Assembly adopted the Sixth Committee resolution without a vote, confirming the process of negotiations. Read coverage from the Associated Press.

We Need a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Now

Crimes against humanity are some of the most egregious international atrocity crimes.

Draft articles on crimes against humanity are currently being deliberated at the United Nations.

Civil society and experts from around the world are calling on governments to negotiate a treaty on crimes against humanity.

More than 560 civil society organizations and prominent individuals from all regions of the world have added their name to a statement in support of progress on a crimes against humanity treaty, and multiple organizations have sent letters to their governments to support the initiative in the United Nations General Assembly’s Sixth Committee. Get involved today by adding your organization’s name to the joint statement and writing a letter to your own government.
